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One day after a january snowstorm about four years ago, I learned that a young cat was found, apparently abandoned, near a housing complex in Sanbornville. The police animal control officer picked up the cat, which I intended to photograph for the newspaper, for a 'did you lose this cat' article. Well, i went down, held this cute tuxedo kitty in my arms, and said,'if no one claims her, I will.' End of story. We had her checked out at the vets and neutered.

Roxie is a queen. I can't sit in the armchair without her jumping into my lap and onto the cozy comforter. She loves to eat, but is a picky eater -- we roast her chicken a few times a week -- white meat only. She does eat high quality dry food, too, but loves loves loves her chicken. She likes to chase the laser light and a long fabric tail on a stick that I bought at the dollar store. We still let her out on somewhat supervised visits and she loves to chase the chipmunks. .... oh, now she's walking over the computer.
