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Our dogs are very vocal about letting us know that they want to go for a walk with us. Sometimes, particularly in the early spring months when things are thawing, the roads can be quite messy. So, as much as we want to take them, we leave them home. Otherwise the morning would turn into bath time for all of them since their paws and fur would be filthy by the time we got home. We do have one dirt road that we walk on and that is the road that stays the muddiest this time of the year.

Kitsu, our newest pack member, has an interesting little habit that we just had to get on film - she does something that just sounds to me like she is saying, "oh no, she's putting on her shoes, she's going out, oh no, is she taking me, I know she's going out, I'm not going, I know I'm not going....." She sounds like she is so worried that we are going to leave her. The worry sounds start and then soon turn into barking.
