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The Top 10 Dog Breeds for 2012 are:

Labrador Retriever
  1. Labrador Retriever
  2. German Shepherd
  3. Beagle
  4. Golden Retriever
  5. Yorkshire Terrier
  6. Bulldog
  7. Boxer
  8. Poodle
  9. Dachshund
  10. Rottweiler

Most of the top 10 breeds on the list are no surprise, they make the list every year, like the Lab and the Golden, with the Lab retaining its #1 spot, according to AKC news,  for 21 consecutive years. But the little Beagle is fast moving up, with his playful personality and love of the outdoors making him a great family pet. He moved from fourth to third place this year, taking over the spot held by the sweet Yorkshire Terrier last year. So although the Lab is secure in his #1 spot for this year, don't be surprised if the lovable Beagle sniffs his way to the top next year!

And of course, all of the Top 10 breeds can be found on the Help Shelter Pets website!

Do you know what the Top 10 Cat Breeds are? Watch for our next blog and find out.
